Our Programs

Upper Cumberland Workforce Development has many offerings for both job seekers and employers.  For more information on any of the services found below, please call our Central Office or one of our field offices found throughout the Upper Cumberland area.

Adult, Youth, and Dislocated Worker Training
The Cookeville American Job Center offers education and training support through the workforce innovation and opportunity act program. WIOA provides individualized career services, basic career services, and training services to better prepare clients for the workforce. Case Management and supportive services are available to eligible American Job Center participants.

• Adult Education (Title II)
District 3 Tennessee Adult Education offers free high school equivalency prep classes to adults who are at least 18 years old, are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school, and meet eligibility requirements. Classes are available throughout the Upper Cumberland during the day, at night, or on the weekends depending upon location. Online classes for distance learners are available for those who qualify.

• Vocational Rehabilitation (Title IV)
The Vocational Rehabilitation Program provides a variety of individualized services to people with disabilities in preparation for their employment in the competitive labor market. VR advocates employment outcomes for clients that are consistent with their individual strengths, resources, abilities, capabilities and informed choice.

The Title V program is designated for individuals 55 and older that are in need of skill development to gain employment. In order to be eligible for this program, participants must meet the income guidelines and complete the required paperwork. Through the Title V program, participants are placed in worksites throughout the community to learn valuable skills that they can use in the workforce following the completion of the program.

• SNAP E&T (Title III)
The supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training prepares SNAP recipients for employment through work related education and training activities. Any SNAP recipient that does not receive TANF or Social Security Benefits can volunteer for the SNAP E&T program to gain support for education and training programs.

• Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (Title III)

Specialists develop job opportunities for Veterans, with special emphasis on those with service connected disabilities. DVOP’s provide direct services to Veterans enabling them to be competitive in the labor market. They provide outreach for Veterans through training opportunities and communication with employers.

• Local Veterans’ Employment Representative
The LVER, a Wagner Peyser Act program, is responsible for advocating for the hiring of Veterans, as a priority of service to employers, employer associations, and business groups. This is accomplished by conducting:
• Employer outreach including job fairs and hiring events
• Conducting job search groups and workshops that include Veterans, as well as the public
• Coordinating with unions, apprenticeship programs, and businesses to promote and secure employment and training for Veterans
• Coordinating and participating in other business outreach efforts

• Apprenticeship Training Grant

The Apprenticeship Training Grant (ATG) supports Tennessee employers that are interested in starting an apprenticeship program or are already authorized providers of the Registered Apprenticeship Program through US/DOL-Office of Apprenticeships. The training grant will assist companies or organizations that support and implement the following opportunities:
• On-the-Job Training (OJT) assistance for eligible dislocated workers entering an apprenticeship program as a new hire, and/or
• Provide assistance for classroom training to existing first or second-year apprentices, and/or
• Provides assistance for classroom training to participants in a pre-apprenticeship program

For more information on these grants, or to complete the pre-application, visit the State of TN Dept. of Labor and Workforce Development website at: