2025 Meeting Minutes
All meetings are open to the public. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Contact (931) 520-9501 at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting date to allow time to provide such aid or service. This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee.
Upper Cumberland Local Workforce Development Board
Board Meetings - all meetings occur in the 4th floor Board Room at 345 S Jefferson Ave, Cookeville, TN
Tuesday, March 11th, 2025; 1:00 PM
Tuesday, June 10th, 2025; 1:00 PM
Tuesday, September 9th, 2025; 1:00 PM
Tuesday, December 9th, 2025; 1:00 PM
Local Elected Officials Meetings
Electronic Minutes
Executive Committee Meetings: all meetings occur in the 4th floor Board Room at 345 S Jefferson Ave, Cookeville, TN
Monday, February 3rd, 2025: Meeting Canceled
Monday, March 3rd, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, April 7th, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, May 5th, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, June 2nd, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, July 7th, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, August 4th, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, September 8th, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, October 6th, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, November 3rd, 2025; 4:00 PM
Monday, December 1st, 2025; 4:00 PM
AJC Operations Committee Meetings
Targeted Populations Committee Meetings
Youth Committee Meetings