If you are interested in career training, returning to school to begin a new career or continuing your education to advance your present career, you may want to consider the following:

Local Training Institutions:


Tennessee Tech University​ ​campus located in Cookeville, Tennessee offers continuing education courses, certifications, and associate degrees, and bachelor’s degrees.

Tennessee College of Applied Technology Livingston Campus​ located in Livingston, Tennessee offers continuing education courses, certifications, and associate degrees.

Tennessee College of Applied Technology Oneida-Huntsville Campus​ located in Huntsville, Tennessee offers continuing education courses, certifications, and associate degrees.

Tennessee College of Applied Technology Crossville Campus​ located in Crossville, Tennessee offers continuing education courses, certifications, and associate degrees.

Tennessee College of Applied Technology McMinnville Campus​ located in McMinnville, Tennessee offers continuing education courses, certifications, and associate degrees.

Fortis Institute​ ​located in Cookeville, Tennessee offers continuing education courses, and certifications

Genesis Career​ located in Cookeville, Tennessee offers continuing education courses and certifications.

Adult Education
Upper Cumberland Adult Education​ ​helps individuals earn their diploma in the Upper Cumberland region. Tennessee Adult Education division delivers educational services to adults who are over the age of 17 (unless granted an exception) lacking a high school diploma and no longer under compulsory attendance to public high school. Through Adult Basic Education classes across the state, adults are assessed to determine their level of education and provided coursework to improve their skills in math, science, social studies, reading, writing and employability. These classes are designed to equip the student with the knowledge necessary to earn a High School Equivalency Diploma and enter employment and/or postsecondary education. Adult Education also offers English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Civics classes for those individuals who need to learn to speak, read, and write the English language. In addition to the administration of the Adult Education program grant, Tennessee Division of Adult Education is also responsible for the oversight and compliance of testing-centers administering High School Equivalency exams.